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Consultation & Training

WonderTree offers a range of specialized online and face-to-face consultation services, with the goal of empowering agencies and other professionals with the tools they need to best support youth in their care.

Professional Consultations & Presentations

WonderTree team members are available for single-session or ongoing consultations with organizations (e.g., schools, daycares, hospitals, community mental health agencies, foster care agencies). 


Consultations are designed to be a stand alone service, with next steps and recommendations provided in a brief service summary if requested, or ongoing at an organization’s request.



Professional Training

WonderTree offers training and in-service programs to other professionals and organizations. These can be in-depth trainings that occur over several days or briefer modules. Our current programs include the following areas:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • Developmental Disabilities

  • School refusal and anxiety

  • Sexual health and romantic relationships for neurodivergent youth or children with Developmental Disabilities

  • Fostering safety and reducing vulnerabilities to abuse in young children

  • Emotion regulation and emotion coaching

  • Supporting students with neurological or medical concerns


If you have another area of training needed that is not listed here, please contact us. We may be able to work together to design a program to fit your needs. If we are unable to meet this need, we would be happy to recommend names of others to help you. 

Contact Us

One of our family coordinators will return your call/e-mail within 2 business days. Our family coordinators will help determine which service provider would be the right fit and assist in scheduling your appointment.


685 Riddell Rd., Unit 105

Orangeville, Ontario 

L9W 4Z5

Your message has been sent! We will respond within 2 business days


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We are not an emergency or crisis service. If this is an emergency or you require immediate support with your mental health and wellbeing please contact a crisis line, call 911, or go to your nearest emergency room. Below are some possible crisis line options: Suicide and Crisis Hotline: 1800-448-3000 Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 or text "CONNECT" to 686868 or Black Youth Helpline: 416-285-9944 or Toll Free: 1-833-294-8650 Hope for Wellness Help Line (serving Indigenous communities): 1-855-242-3310 or

Collaborations and Affiliations​

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© 2023 by WonderTree


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